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VENDX Software-As-A-Service

Vendx Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) comes to you as a ready-to-use application, with absolutely no burden of Software and Technology management. The application is hosted at our end and is provided to you across the internet. It practically needs no training for users, and is extremely user-friendly application.

Vendx - SaaS offers the 'Sourcing Module' which comprises of 3 modules in it - viz:

•  Negotiation Module
•  Decision Authorization Module
•  Reverse Auction Module

  Diagramatic Representation of VendX SaaS - Sourcing Module:
  Key Benefits of VendX SaaS - Sourcing Module
•  Standardization of your Buying Processes
•  Brings Transparency to Purchase Process & meets Compliance requirements
•  Ensures complete Knowledge retention of all buying decisions
•  Provides Historical Negotiation Patterns for formulating effective future Negotiation Strategies
•  Electronic documentation pertaning to entire transaction cycle to support Audit requirements
•  Management of transaction & information with large supplier base
  Basic functionalities covered by VENDX SaaS - Sourcing Module:
Vendx SaaS facilitates the following Processes:

•  Sending well structured RFQ to Multiple Suppliers (Local & International)
•  Allowing Suppliers to submit online structured quotes to RFQs
•  Automatic generation of Reports for Quote Comparison of different Suppliers based on Landed Cost
•  Mass as well as individual Negotiations with Suppliers
•  Facility to invite bid thru regular Negotiation process or coduct Reverse Auction on the platform with selected suppliers
•  Instant access to any ongoing or completed transactions
•  Distribution of quantity to be procured from different suppliers
•  Approval of Buying Decision as per your organization Hierarchy
•  Communication Management for Future Reference
•  Well Structured Print of Authorized decisions with all critical data for justifying Order placement

  Other FAQs
1) Will I (or my organisation) be required to have Technolgy Infrastructure for VendX SaaS?
No. You will be using the Infrastructure of VENDX Server to access the facility of the Software.
2) What will be the privacy of my (or my organisation's) data?
The privacy of your data will be complete. It is like any personal online account (e.g your e-mail account). Only you have the access thru your authorized login and password.
3) Will my suppliers have to pay anything?
No. Your suppliers are not required to pay anything at all.
4) Will my suppliers need to install any software?
No. Your suppliers are not required to have any installations. As long as they have an e-mail id, they will be able to access all transactions and respond to the same.
5) How long will it take to start using VENDX?
4 Hours. There is no special training required to start using VENDX. It is very Simple & Intuative.
6) How is the rental fee charged?
The rental fee is charged per user with no restriction of usage.
7) How can I schedule Test Run of VENDX SaaS?
Click here to send us a request for Online Test Run. Our support will take you through Live Transaction Cycle, and also allow you to carry out one live transaction your self to get the first hand feel of VENDX. The entire sequence will take an hours time minimum.
8) What will be the next step post Test Run?
You will be required to place your order and release payment for the services selected.
9) I wish to know more on VENDX
Sure, feel free to Contact Us today !
  To know Key Features of Sourcing Module. Click Here.
Looking for a more comprehensive & customized solution to address larger needs of your organisation?
  VENDX Customized Enterprise Solution. Click Here.
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